Hubungan Regulasi Diri dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Bekerja Fakultas Psikologi di Universitas Yudharta Purwosari Kabupaten Pasuruan
Self-Regulation, Learning Achievement, Student WorkAbstract
Self-regulation is an ability in the form of strategies that individuals have in organizing all kinds of activities in order to achieve a success to set a certain goal. In students working, self-regulation really needs to be applied in order to achieve a success in learning, which is evidenced by the existence of a learning achievement. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is a relationship between self-regulation and the learning achievement of students working at the Faculty of Psychology at Yudharta Purwosari University, Pasuruan Regency. This research uses a correlational quantitative method with Pearson's product moment analysis. The population used by all students to work in a special class at the Faculty of Psychology, Yudharta Purwosari University, Pasuruan Regency is 76 people. The sample techniques used for sampling are saturated with questionnaire research instruments. The results of this study showed the value of the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.819 which means that the correlation between self-regulation variables and learning achievement has a strong relationship and is positively correlated. At the signification level value, a value of 0.000 <0.05 is obtained, which if interpreted, supports the alternative hypothesis that has been formulated. Thus, the alternative hypothesis in this study was accepted.