About the Journal

Psychospiritual Journal (e-ISSN: 2986-7657) is a scientific journal published by the Islamic Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah, which aims to publish research results and theoretical studies in the field of psychology with an integrative approach between psychological and spiritual aspects, which is an academic forum for exploring issues related to the relationship between psychology, religion, and spiritual values in fostering individual and community welfare, with a focus on the fields of Islamic Psychology (development of psychological concepts based on Islamic values), and Mental Health (development of psychological concepts based on Islamic values), Psychospiritual (integration of modern psychology with spiritual aspects), Mental Health (religion and spirituality-based approaches to support mental health), and Interdisciplinary Studies (collaboration between psychology, theology, and other social sciences), which is published twice a year (April and October) to provide a platform for academics, practitioners, and researchers to contribute their best works in Indonesian or English, with a rigorous editing process, including plagiarism checking and review by experts in the field to ensure the quality and integrity of the articles.